Outdoor Kitchens / BBQs

Outdoor Kitchens

Outdoor kitchens are areas in a backyard or common area that can be outfitted with the equipment necessary to cook meals entirely outdoors. Such an area may include a grill, a wood-fired oven, a sink, a bar, and other features common in cooking and dining areas. Outdoor kitchens can be built in backyards as long as proper precautions are taken to ensure ovens, stoves, or grills are a safe distance away from permanent structures. The size and shape of outdoor kitchens depends entirely on the builder's preference; some kitchens can be quite large and elaborate, featuring seating for guests, and others can be quite small and feature only a grill and a few other kitchen necessities.

Outdoor Kitchens

All kitchen utilities installed or otherwise used in outdoor kitchens are commonly made from stainless steel, since these items — whether permanent fixtures or removable items — are likely to be exposed to moisture at some point. Stainless steel is resistant to rusting and corrosion, making it a good choice for outdoor cookware. Most of the structures of outdoor kitchens, such as tables, countertops, and drawer units, are made from brick or stone for both aesthetic appeal and strength. Wood fired ovens are very often made from brick or stone as well, since these materials tend to conduct heat and make the ovens more efficient.